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Rehearsal Picture COM OS PÉS (2024)

About the program

It is intended to continue a space where Dance can be developed with contemporary bases, taking into account some principles and tools of other kinesthetic disciplines. Movement, perception, space, time, individual work, contact are some of the elements that make up these sessions. The elements will be approached through coordination, repetition, exploration and improvisation, basic components of learning in Dance. It is a space open to all those interested in the research of movement and Dance, so essential for human development and balance!

Movement/dance classes for young people and adults + Impro-wise *
Regular classes including sessions with technical exploration, improvisations and individual and group compositions (Wednesdays), as well as two Impro-wise dance improvisation sessions (Saturdays).

Teacher Marina Nabais
Target audience Over 10 years old and no age limit; level open to all backgrounds
Dates January 24 and 31 | 03 (Impro-wise), 07, 14, 28 February | 06, 20, 27 March | 17 and 27 (Impro-wise) April | 08, 15, 22 and 29 May
Schedule 7:00PM/8:45PM, 13 sessions (wednesday) + 2 Impro-wise sessions (saturday), 3:00PM/5:30PM
Place ACCCA, Interpress Hub Criativo – Bairro Alto, Lisbon
Price Complete Pack – 100,00€ (12 sessions) + 40,00€ (1 session + 2 Impro-wise) = 140,00€ (for registrations until January 31st)
OR Monthly fee – 40,00€ (x 4 months)
One class or Impro-wise session – 15,00€
Registration by e-mail comunicacao.marinanabais@gmail.com

* Impro-wise: Dance improvisation sessions, where movement is the basis for research and creation. The first part consists of a directed warm-up, which awakens attention to the body, space, time and the other participants, in search of a sense of collectivity. This is followed by a set of tasks/proposals related to some of the themes of improvisation that will take place immediately afterwards, in an open format and with live music.
These sessions have a beginning, middle and end, so it is not necessary to have taken part in previous sessions.

Target audience Aimed at anyone interested (and curious) in movement, dance, theater and improvisation techniques.
Level open to all backgrounds.
Dates and schedule Saturdays, february 3rd and april 27th 2024 | 3PM – 5:30PM
Duration 1 session of 2h30
Teacher Marina Nabais and guests
Registration and price 1 Impro-wise session – 15,00€; Registration by e-mail comunicacao.marinanabais@gmail.com