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WHAT REMAINS | Casino da Trafaria, Almada
7 December, 2024 - 8 December, 2024
Foto ©Gonçalo Mota
Through a participatory artistic process that involves the local community in creation, training and mediation, the show investigates the marks left by the search for industrial progress, resulting in a place of contrasts. O QUE RESTA questions what remains and what is to come, delving into the essence of now and the role of the people who live and experience the territory.
A journey that navigates through time, drawing a contemporary vision of Trafaria, where the present and the future intertwine.
Created by Marina Nabais and Ricardo Machado
Performed by Ana Santos, Marina Nabais, Nuno Cintrão, Ricardo Machado and local participants
Musical creation Nuno Cintrão
Live music Ana Santos and Nuno Cintrão
Video creation and operation, photography Gonçalo Mota
Light design Miguel Cruz
Light operation Mariana Vasconcelos
Production Marina Nabais Dança, cultural association
Production assistant Mariana Vasconcelos
Graphic design André Ferreira
Video recording Eva Ventura Ângelo
Support Almada City Council, Directorate-General for the Arts/Ministry of Culture
Partners Alkantara Associação Cultural, Associação de Moradores da Cova do Vapor, Biblioteca de Marvila, Biblioteca da Trafaria, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, União das Freguesias de Caparica e Trafaria, Recreios Desportivos da Trafaria, Polo Cultural Gaivotas | Boavista
Location Recreios Desportivos da Trafaria (Casino), municipality of Almada
Date and time
December 07 at 21h00
December 08 at 17h00
8,00€ – normal ticket
6,00€ – students and 65+
4,00€ – children up to 12 years old, Trafaria residents, art school students (on presentation of their school card), performing arts professionals, disabled people, unemployed people
Information and booking e-mail oqueresta.producao@gmail.com
More about What Remains