In the Absence of My Body (2017) 2023-12-30T13:49:43+00:00

Project Description

Photos © Carlos Melo

In the Absence of My Body

In the Absence of My Body is a solo performance that develops as a return to home. The house is the body in motion which reveals its play of textures, rhythms, tonalities and impressions. The house, still as a nucleus of sensations that integrates body with the world, extending an own geography of the sensitive.
The body as a material of life in dialogue with shadow and light, the body creates a new visible surface and a new way of living in a landscape.
What remains in the absence of the body? A memory of the movement which is in permanent transformation.

Artistic direction, choreography and interpretation Marina Nabais
Project assistance/consultancy Joana Pupo
Original music and interpretation Joana Guerra
Habitat Nuno Nogueira and Ana Sargento
Light design Miguel Cruz
Video Tiago Melo Bento
Video Programming Manuel Abrantes
Photography Diogo de Andrade
Executive Production João Moreira
Production Marina Nabais Dança, associação cultural
Supporters Arquipélago – Contemporary Arts Center, City Council of Almada, Clara Andermatt Company, Government of Portugal/General Directorate of Arts, Gaivotas Cultural Pole
Acknowledgements Ana Coimbra Oliveira, Carla Ribeiro, Diogo Andrade, Janete Maximiano, Joana Mealha, Nádia Nogueira, Rita Borges

Duration 40min
Target Public M/14 years

Première Academia Almadense (Almada) – November 07, 08 and 09, 2017

Arquipélago – Contemporary Arts Center (Azores) – June 15, 2018
António Assunção Studio Theatre (Almada) – June 22 and 23, 2018
Carlos Paredes Auditorium (Lisbon) – September 07 and 08, 2018
Marvila’s Library (Lisbon) – November 10 and 11, 2023