Project Description
Mycelia are fungi that establish a network of contacts with each other, communicating and passing on information. This is how trees communicate, help each other, and maintain their equilibrium. In the body we have the fascia, which in shape very much resembles mycelia. It is very curious how the human being has developed an identical communication system, the Internet.
This project is a metaphor of consciousness and connection of the one and the multiple, through the observation of these similar patterns. In this sense, it will address the awareness that in the body, in nature, and in communities everything is connected. Here we impose the sharing of concepts and experiences where the participants themselves contribute to the creation of this work.
Mycelium is also the name given to the laboratory held by Marina Nabais with the participants of the community in the year 2020. There were several meetings in online format, but also in face-to-face format, mainly at the Convent of Capuchos.
Realization and video editing Eva Ventura Ângelo
Preparation, direction and direction Laboratory Micélio Marina Nabais
Participants António Figueiredo, Carolin Hempel, Filipa Fernandes, Filipa Leite, Joana Mealha, Margarida Figueiredo, Nádia Nogueira, Rosa Leite Ferreira, Susana Mourão e Tilda Nascimento
Original Music Guilherme Calegari
Executive Production João Moreira
Production Marina Nabais Dança, cultural association
Supported by Almada City Hall and Capuchos Convent, Almada
The dance and movement laboratories are developed annually. In them contemporary movement is explored, focusing on the development of dance technique based on the connection between floor and vertical movement, active relaxation, energetic stimulus and spatiotemporal relationship.
Throughout the sessions, a score is built based on a certain theme that will give rise to a final artistic project, built by the group of participants and under the guidance of Marina Nabais.
Online and face-to-face sessions at the Convent of Capuchos (Almada) – March to September 2020
Convento dos Capuchos (Almada) – Presentation to the public – September 26, 2020
Online – Presentation of the collective project Micélio, with video by Eva Ventura Ângelo and choreographic direction by Marina Nabais – January 23, 2021
Ponto de Encontro (Almada) – Presentation of the documentary and video of the project with video by Eva Ventura Ângelo and choreographic direction by Marina Nabais – December 18, 2021